M&E Mechanical Contractor

      M&E is commonly known as the mechanical and electrical industry. M&E stands for Mechanical and Electrical, simply understood as mechanical and electrical. M&E is an important part, accounting for about 30 to 60% of the volume to complete a project. As part of the M&E name, the electrical system is a key item in the many items MELVGROUP offers. This is an indispensable system for any construction project, serving the needs of agencies, businesses and households.

      The electrical system supports all remaining electromechanical systems. It powers elevators to transport people, controls ventilation equipment to regulate temperatures, detects fire hazards, and serves the building’s communications system. The lighting system is a sub-category of the electrical system. The lighting system that MELVGROUP provides utilizes the most advanced technologies to maximize energy savings, meet building requirements, comply with green building standards, and provide the right amount of light to suit your needs. user demand.

       Another important system of the electrical system that MELVGROUP provides is the automation system. Automation, including the use of different control systems to operate equipment and machines, This system can make lines run completely automatically by using sensors. Variables to let the Robots, conveyor systems… operate.

      Automation is being widely applied in many different fields: manufacturing industry, mechanical processing, automatic assembly lines, quality control applications... Control systems are often used to operate Manufacturing process operations including servos, PLCs, electronic circuits, G code, etc. These control systems can range from simple control to complex algorithms, controlling simple machines to complex ones. large industrial system.

      MELVGROUP specializes in the construction of automated systems and lines such as production workshops, automobile assembly, painting workshops, conveyor systems (conveyors), process systems ... with high accuracy. With many years of experience in the field of M&E, especially in the field of automation, we confidently bring to your company and business the best choice.